





This is the most narrow version of the Mountain Band design. It is 7.4mm wide approximately and the design is pierced through the ring. It features a fantasy group of mountains, some of Da'oud's favorite mountain ranges. Included are the Flat-Irons near Boulder, Colorado, The Grand Tetons, and a volcano from his own imagination.

If you prefer a wider band, check out our Wide Mountains Band (WB-85).

Narrow Mountains Band

Please select your ring size and choice of metal for pricing.

Here we have a fantasy group of mountains, some of my favorite mountain ranges. Included are the Flatirons near Boulder, Colorado, The Grand Tetons, and a volcano from my imagination. Mountain peaks represent strength, endurance, and the pinnacle of human expectations and endeavors. Gurus and Spiritual teachers are often depicted residing on a mountain peak. A mountain peak is as close as man can get to the heavens with his clothes on. Geologically, mountains are an expression of the Earth's dynamic orogenic up thrusting. A volcano is in full eruption, symbolizing passion and energy. Deep seated and enduring, yet dynamic and hot, yours is a living and vital relationship meant to go places.

Item number: WB_86